
Saturday, January 11, 2014

101 in 1001

So I stumbled upon this really cool idea of making a list of 101 goals to complete in 1001 in days. I saw a list on a blog quite a while ago and thought it was a pretty cool idea but did nothing about it. A few weeks ago I was in the shower and randomly thought about that list again. After my shower I did some online research and found a TON more blogs with their own lists. Since I am a born list maker I decided to go for it and make my own list and I also encouraged my sister to make a list as well. It was kind of difficult coming up with 101 things at first but once a got more than half way through making my list I found myself wishing I had more than 101 spaces.

This idea was originally created by a website called Day Zero Project. 1001 days is about 2.75 years. The point is to come up with specific things you want to accomplish. They must be realistic but also challenging. Sometimes you have goals (like traveling) that take longer than a year to accomplish which is why 1001 days is much better than 365.

I love this idea so much. I am going to blog my progress and keep up with my list here. I will post on Instagram too. I know there is already a hashtag created so if you want to make your own list or check out other list and progress you can check out the hashtag #101in1001 on IG and twitter.

When I was researching this project I found a ton of other blogs to read too. Like this one. Another plus of doing this project.

Start date: January 12th, 2014
Finish date: October 10th, 2016

1. Get out of credit card debit.
2. New Years Eve in Times Square.
3. Clear out emails and keep them organized (this is seriously a problem).
4. Organize computer and hard drive.
5. Upload YouTube video once a week.
6. Go skiiing.
7. Start geocaching.
8. Organize and simplify my closet.
9. USA road trip.
10. Get a kitten and/or puppy.
11. Make handmade soap.
12. Reopen my Etsy store when we go back to the States.
13. Read 50 new books. (1/50)
14. Go to trivia nights with friends.
15. Go skinny dipping.
16. Go to Europe.
17. Visit Jeju Island.
18. Try 10 new foods.
19. Go to another Disney Park.
20. Leave a $20 tip on a meal that cost less than $20.
21. Invest in a nice black shoulder bag.
22. Go a month without eating out.
23. "Adopt" 2 children for Christmas (each Christmas). (0/4)
24. Run a 5k (color run).
25. Complete 50 Pinterest projects. (0/50)
26. Clean face every morning (30 misses). (0/30)
27. Clean face every night (30 misses). (0/30)
28. Develop more/better sewing techniques.
29. Visit our friends in NJ.
30. Cook dinner once a week (Zack does the majority of the cooking). (1/143)
31. Re-read the Harry Potter series.
32. Have a technology free weekend.
33. Buy a lottery ticket.
34. Watch "50 Classic Matchbook Girl Movies." (0/50)
35. Invest in 10 beautiful coffee table books.
36. Face mask once a week. (3/143)
37. Hair mask once a week. (5/143)
38. Self pedicure once a week. (2/143)
39. Self manicure once a week. (4/143)
40. Date night once a month. (0/34)
41. Have 2 "no buy" months (0/2)
42. Do the 52 weeks savings challenge. (11/52)
43. Crochet another blanket.
44. Exercise 2 hours a week.
45. Figure out how my family came to the USA.
46. Buy my mom a gift on MY birthday.
47. Buy an iPad.
48. Donate blood.
49. Complete 10 random acts of kindness.
50. Pay for a strangers meal or Starbucks.
51. Complete a Wreck This Journal.
52. Get a tattoo.
53. Finish my white sheet rug.
54. Try Project Life.
55. Have professional pictures taken each year. (0/3)
56. (personal)
57. Increase social media following by x 10.
58. Get a facial.
59. Learn to use my DSLR better.
60. Go to a drive in movie.
61. Go to the beach.
62. Go to an NFL game.
63. Go to an MLB game.
64. Go white water rafting.
65. Go to a KPOP concert.
66. Go camping.
67. Make cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning.
68. Make a household organizer binder.
69. Send Christmas cards each year.
70. Learn to use Photoshop.
71. Start blogging again.
72. Coupon when we go back to the States.
73. Drink water everyday.
74. Save $6000.
75. Make a decision for January 2015.
76. Keep a health journal.
77. Do a Couch to 5k Challenge. (Completed 3-1-14)
78. 30 day Squat Challenge.
79. 30 day Little Black Dress Challenge.
80. Actually keep up with Tone It Up.
81. Go rock climbing.
82. Organize the photos on my Mac.
83. Floss at least twice a week.
84. Make a piece of jewelry.
85. Save $10 for each task completed for a fun reward.
86. Make a goal to see all 50 states with Zack (in our lifetime).
87. Learn more Korean. Complete at least Level 4 in Talk to Me in Korean.
88. Buy a pretty bicycle.  (1/17/2014)
89. Try 6 new restaurants. (0/6)
90. Make a book out of all of our wedding cards.
91. Make a shutterfly book out of Instagram photos.
92. See It's a Wonderful Life at Belcourt Theater.
93. Pay off half of my student loans.
94. Go to a musical.
95. Buy a nice hair dryer.
96. Go hunting with my brother.
97. Hike Soraksan.
98. See the East Sea of Korea.
99. Go to Busan.
100. Set a budget and stick to it.
101. Set up an IRA.

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